Enjoy a G-Free Oct 2024

The candy has arrived. Some of you are pros at this. There are always gluten-free pile of mini pumpkinsHalloween lists, like this one from Jules GF and an allergy list here.

A few things about Halloween candy. First—you know that things like Twix and Twizzlers have gluten, but gluten can be in the darndest things, like chocolate, and even strange things like seasonal M&Ms, a lot of crunch bars, Whoppers, Milky way bars—they have barley!! Even more obnoxiously, there are a range of candies that are *normally* gluten-free, but they may have a special holiday shape that requires adding gluten. So don’t presume that just because you can eat a chocolate bar that the…bats? Ghosts? Are just fine, because that’s not always the case. That would be just too simple.

For example, Reese’s puts all their PB cups on their gluten-free list, there are no fun shapes in sight because of potential cross-contact.

*sigh* Sorry.

All these things are good reasons to have some non-food items. For the past decade or so, there’s been the Teal Pumpkin Project through FARE—you can even register your house. And some of you who have been on this list for a long time have known that I’ve been advocating for this…oh, almost 20 years. You can still have fun stuff! Rubber duckies, slinkies, glow sticks, whatever you and yours consider a good time. Caution, though–play doh does have gluten, so don’t eat it. And yes, there indeed is a little ninja duckie. He disappeared quickly.

It *is* still a great season for all the winter squash, root veggies, winter greens… one of my favorite butternut squash soup recipes is here. Enjoy!

Cheryl Harris, MPH, RD is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Wellcoach working with clients in VA, DC & MD.  She helps people with a range of digestive problems, including Celiac, IBS, Crohn’s, UC, gastroparesis, EDS, POTS & more. Let’s get you on your way to achieving your goals and feeling great!  Email or call 571-271-8742.

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