POTS Resources 2025

Here are handouts with everything you need to help your clients get oriented to their new POTS diagnosis, the diet and lifestyle changes and be able to anticipate and answer the questions you’ll get from every new POTS patient.

Patients want to know what POTS is, what’s going on in their body and what to expect.

  • Understanding the physiology behind the electrolytes, fluid, compression, movement, etc. Patients are more likely to follow suggestions when they understand the why and how it will help them feel better.
  • What kinds of diets might be helpful?
  • When does exercise help? What kinds?
  • What strategies and adaptive equipment can help make cooking easier?
  • …and resources for the RDN to earn more about the types of POTS, testing, places to learn more.

This contains details on type of foods, meal size and spacing, exercise suggestions for POTS with specific guidance based on whether the client has long COVID POTS, Ehlers-Danlos, myalgic encephalomyelitis, etc., amount of salt and other electrolytes with practical suggestions, brands of electrolytes including ones to avoid, brands of compression garments and cooling tools and more.

Some of this research is *just* out in 2024, so you are getting the latest info!

  • POTS and Diet
  • POTS Basics and Exercise (2 page)
  • Fluids for POTS
  • Electrolytes
  • Salt needed for POTS
  • POTS Tips and Tricks
  • Tips for Cooking with POTS
  • POTS Myths and Facts
  • POTS guidelines for adults, both for POTS and Long COVID POTS
  • Simple Hydration Tips–you may find yourself using these suggestions and tools for a range of patients!
  • Background info for RDNs (not intended for patients)

11 handouts, NON BRANDED, all fully customizable with your practice information

Added bonus— an extra 2 pages of references and resources for RDNs to learn more about POTS with FAQ
