Be My G-Free Valentine

I hope you’re having a good, and cozy Wintertime. Here are some g-free resources I wanted to share:

A Valentines’ Day Candy list from CDF

Check your shelves for Applegate Farms BBQ lunchmeat—there’s barley malt in some products labeled gluten-free. And, of course some people just assume that because a company is good with GF for some products that others will be…and this can be a problem when ingredient formulations change!

NY Times did a nice review on the gut microbiome and health. It does likely play a large role in Celiac, although that isn’t discussed in this article.

Sourdough bread—it’s not gluten-free. It just isn’t. unless you make it with non-gluten grains. No matter who shares this on the interwebs, it’s just not true, so don’t fall for it!

Here’s a nice list of DC metro restaurants that are dedicated GF.

Are you ready for winter snowstorms? Meaning, do you have 3-5 days of shelf-stable g-free foods if you need them in case of a storm? I’ve got a list here. Hopefully, you’ll never need it, but it’s good to have on hand.

Be my (oatmeal)

I love oatmeal. Maybe a bit too much. Oatmeal doesn’t love me back, unfortunately. But most people with Celiac can eat purity protocol oats without a problem. There are a ton of recipes for overnight oats out there, and I often have clients ask for a recipe that is really easy. So here you go!

Overnight Oatmeal
  • ¾ cup old fashioned purity protocol oats
  • 1 cup milk (moo milk, lactose free, almond milk, whatever)
  • ¼ cup fruit—I usually use berries
  • Flavor—I use a splash of vanilla and a few sprinkles of cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice.
  • Nuts/seeds—optional—walnuts, almonds, chia, flax, etc.

Directions—add oats to a heat proof container. Add liquid and whatever flavors and fruit on top. Allow to soak 6 hours or overnight. Eat at room temp or reheat.

I generally make 2-3 for my husband at a time and mix up the flavors through the week so he doesn’t get bored. I tend to use ball jars because they work well for this.

Fodmap friendly—use ½ cup oats, ¾ cup lactose free milk and allowed fruit for the elimination phase.

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