Portobella Mushroom Stacks

By Meagan McGovern

Quick, easy, healthy, vegetarian (vegan, even,) and delicious!

Six portobello mushroom caps
Balsamic Italian dressing
One tub of hummus
one tube of refrigerated polenta, cut into 1/2 inch slices
One jar of your favorite organic tomato sauce (whatever brand you like, the more garlic and spices the better)
Fresh rosemary for skewers

This isn’t cooking — it’s assembly! Clean mushroom caps, removing the gills with a spoon, and pour 1 teaspoon of Italian dressing over each cap.

Broil until the caps soften, and slice each cap in half, forming two half-circles.

Then stack: One mushroom half, then spread hummus on top, then a slice of polenta, then spread on some tomato sauce. Add another cap, more hummus and polenta, more tomato sauce, and one last cap to cover. Skewer the whole thing with a sprig of rosemary to hold it in place (a toothpick would work, too, but won’t look or smell as pretty!)

Pour some tomato sauce into the bottom of a baking dish, put the completed stack in the dish, and repeat three times.

Put the dish will all four stacks in a 350 degree oven until heated through.

This would also be fabulous with mozzarella cheese as one layer, but it adds a lot of calories and fat, and it’s just as good without it!

Serve with a big salad and it’s a full meal.

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Katie: This was delicious, and easy! Very yummy and good for you.

